
Beyond Abuse

Monarch Butterflies flying away
Martha's Book cover image, front and back

Abuse Hurts…

Abuse leaves scars.

Abuse creates shame, blame, guilt, and denial.

How does a survivor find peace?

That’s what this powerful book explores!

#1 New Release

in Abuse Self-Help
Category on Amazon

“Best-selling Amazon author Martha DuSage leads the reader on a
life-changing journey of self-awareness and healing”

Yes! I want it Now!
Combining ancient mystery school teachings, modern healing techniques, and practical advice, the complexity of healing as a barrier to peace is removed.
Beyond Ause helps you tap into what your soul already knows, creating balance in your mind, body, and spirit and moving you beyond the painful experiences of your past.
Procrastination is the enemy of inner peace.
The author refers to more than ♪ sixty songs knowing that music offers a healing vibration. Lyrics give voice to those who have not yet found theirs. Music adds an uplifting element to your tumultuous life, inviting you to find the harmony and vibration of your soul.
Three Music Notes
Martha's Book cover image, front and back

Beyond Abuse provides the

resources supporting survivor needs.

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Because You can go Beyond Abuse

and thrive, not just survive.

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➣ Isn’t the external world chaotic enough without dealing with internal conflicts caused by abuse?
➣ Have you recognized all the impacts where abuse has miscreated internal and external havoc in your life?
➣ Have you tried popular programs on manifesting the life of your dreams but feel like they failed?

➣ If releasing deeply rooted causes made your life less chaotic and profoundly more at peace, would you take a conscious journey of self-awareness?

Releasing the energetic charge on the internal

conflicts clears a path to a more fulfilling life.

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Watch the trailer below

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Watch the Video then begin your empowered journey.

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of the introduction to
Beyond Abuse
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Video Transcript

Martha DuSage

Transcript Video One: Beyond Abuse;

An Empowered Journe of Soul, Science & Self-Help

It is more painful to spend an entire lifetime trying to bury the past than it is to face your fears and free yourself from the agony.

Hi, I’m Martha DuSage. The Author of Beyond Abuse: An Empowered Journey of Soul, Science & Self-Help.

I’m also a Transformational Mentor, specializing in helping survivors overcome the long-term effects of abuse.

So, how could this book be of any significant value to you?

Who really WANTS to talk about abuse?

NO One!

But when you discover how to transform your abuse and quit the failed attempts to escape it’s freeing and enlightening.

There is plenty of research and data out there proving that you are not alone.

With all the suppressed suffering, we need to make the conversation more comfortable.

This is not a book that will throw you further into shame and guilt for not already being over your experience, or make you feel bad because you still have haunting effects.

It’s not your fault that your brain keeps you in survival mode.

One of the keys to finding wholeness of being is in releasing the imprinted, programmed, and unacknowledged damage from your mind, body, and spirit on a cellular level.

Beyond Abuse gives you tools to find self-value on a profoundly intimate level where you ultimately learn to feel self-love instinctively.

We CAN learn to heal from abuse in a way that transforms our story, setting us on a path to emotional resilience and peace that gives us the gift of empowered freedom.

If this resonates with you this book and the upcoming course and services are for you.

Taking the empowered journey Beyond Abuse will help you KNOW and FEEL that your life has purpose and meaning.

The empowered journey changes the way we perceive every aspect of our lives.

It releases the traumatic energetic charges from our cellular memory, without suppressing or forgetting.

We no longer feel the need to escape the past because it won’t affect the present.

You probably want to know how I know this to be true.

I’ve been there. I’ve done the work. I’ve done the research. Learned the techniques and I’ve taken the journey.  

A survivor’s trust isn’t just broken. It’s shattered.

We will always find the act of abuse repulsive, but we can put our emotions in a place of neutrality where we can find trust, inspiration, and the passion to live a life that provides us that sense of fulfillment we all want. Peace without complacency.

We all have a better way to expend our energy than giving it away to a past that paralyzes us from moving forward.

By freeing, not escaping, we can allow healthy love into our lives.

I’m inviting you on an empowered journey of conscious, heart-centered, self-awareness, and self-discovery to free yourself from traumatic and dysfunctional experiences.

The dark places aren’t always easy to face, but it’s in those dark places that you will find empowered you.

As Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “You have nothing to fear but fear itself.”

Take the journey.

To begin, just follow these two simple steps;


Get The book on Amazon, available June 6th, 2022 at an introductory discount.

Beyond Abuse: An Empowered Journey of Soul, Science & Self-Help

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Get a free copy of the introduction to the book by signing up on my web:


There I’ll share more inspirational wisdom and guidance, plus provide notification as other services become available.


Join me on your favorite social platform. See the links below.

Comments and reviews are always welcome.

I look forward to supporting your journey.

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Book Praise!

Flower on the Right side used as a background decoration that is light teal in color

I have been struggling with PTSD and associated anger issues since the 1990s. I took a copy of Martha’s book to my current counselor, and we’ve incorporated it with my sessions. We’ve been discussing the book and working through it together with great success. The music playlist is helping me stay focused and calmer between sessions. Even my kids have noticed a difference. I am enjoying the book, and I know you will, too. I highly recommend this book!

~ Sheryl D


DuSage bridges the gap between self-help and clinical with inspirationally gained insight and application. Find your own truth and begin to experience fully the totality of who you are! PS Martha, you are so amazing! 

~ Cheryl Wheeler

MA, NCC, LAC, My Counseling Solutions: Holistic Perspectives

I feel that the world would be a more light-filled place if everybody read this book. Buy it, read it, live it, then share it with others you think may benefit from its message. This is a heartful work that can be read again and again over the years, and always get something new out of it.

~ Keith Varnum

Owner, Dream Workshops www.thedream.com

The writing style is deep but deep into the understanding, not textbook psycho mumble-jumble that can’t be understood. Such as the lava that boils within us and how to use instead of boiling anger but to use creatively. So much clarity in simple thought that the “aha moments” actually start in the preface and introduction!

~ Cheri Roan

The words of this book are incredible. Just listening to the song “YOU DECIDE” really hit home, beautiful. I thank God and am very grateful that this book has crossed my path. Thank you for the gift of inspiration. These words have entrenched in my heart. I encourage people to read your book and savor this.

~ Brett Charles Louviere

I’m so excited to see this! I’ve been reading Martha’s book and absolutely love it. I’m a very slow reader, another reason why I personally love this book. It leaves an opportunity for me to read a little and then take a little time to truly take it all in and utilize what I’ve read. Thank you so incredibly much Martha DuSage! Love it so!

~ Mama Bear’s Voice

DuSage provides the reader with a frank, funny, musical experience. Her words of wisdom – both profane and profound – are interspersed with references to lyrics from popular songs. The playlist is broad, familiar, and spot-on. If you listen to and relate to the lyrics, you get a double dose of insight. The author’s goal is the integration of mind and heart. Additionally, she wants readers to experience a higher vibration in words, deeds, thoughts, and expression. This book delivers the strategies and the thinking that make these goals achievable.

~ Sabra House


While I hesitated to read this book because of the fear I have with facing my own demons, her words have made me feel I am not alone and although I have come far in my own journey, this book and Martha’s words have created a new path for me. The words and the musical journey are amazing. I have been fighting demons for years and years but for the first time, I can say that I have peace with the demons, thanks to the soul sharing of this author. This book is a must-read for everyone.

~ Chris


The author shares her transformational journey from victim to enlightened survivor via personal experiences, lots of hard-earned knowledge, and wonderful musical references. This spiritual journal isn’t just for victims of abuse.

~ Deb Tower

Thank you so much for writing this book! I feel like I have been given permission to allow myself to heal. Thank you!!

~ Michael Allison

We’re all searching for inner peace—even if we’re not aware of it. DuSage addresses how to “self-direct” oneself for a change for the better. Most of us are drowning in a pool of anger, stress, and frustration over past events and the ego’s reaction to them. There’s no simple way to just move past them..

The book is written in a style that could be described as deep. However, it is not like reading a psychology textbook. Instead, it is written as though you might be speaking with a friend who encourages you to become aware, grounded, and to live in the moment. Only then, will you be able to overcome crippling stress, fear, and worry. We interpret our emotions with attachments.

~ Horror Girl Donna

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Coming August 2022! Beyond Abuse – The Course

  • Take your healing to the next level!
  • Develop and fine-tune your Resilience! You must feel it to heal it!
  • Provide yourself with restitution by healing yourself.
  • Make the empowered journey a reality.
computer monitor illustration showing an open book

The course is a practical guide to move you through all the steps of healing

Victim -> Survivor -> Functional -> Inspired -> Empowered


End Internal Conflicts:

X  Shame

X  Blame

X  Guilt

X  Denial

X  Rejection

Replace them with:

❤  Peace

❤ Freedom

❤  Fulfillment

❤  Love

❤  Joy

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Coming in 2023!

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and love your
empowered journey
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